CMOS Even Harmonic Switching Mixer for Direct Conversion Receivers


DC offset and high flicker noise are the main problems for the direct conversion CMOS mixer design. A novel even harmonic switching mixer implemented in a standard 0.18µm CMOS process for applications in 2.45GHz direct conversion receivers is proposed. The mixer circuit overcomes the problems of DC offset and high flicker noise. It achieves -8.24dB gain, 5.2dB DSB noise figure at 100KHz, 17.25dBm IIP3 and zero DC power consumption.

Journal of Circuit Systems and Computers. 2006;15(2): 183-196.
Jingjing Liu
Jingjing Liu
Associate Professor

My research interests include low-power smart micro-sensor integrated circuit design, image sensors, biomedical sensors, and energy harvesting circuits.