A Wide Linear Range Ultra-low Transconductance Amplifier for Biomedical Sensor Applications


In the field of biomedical sensors, active filters with very low cutoff frequencies are required because of the weak electrical signals from the human body. The Gm-C filters are more prominent among the filter designs, which consist of an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) and a capacitor. The key design issues are transconductance and linearity. In this paper, a new ultra-low transconductance OTA structure is proposed. The basic idea is to extend the linear input range of the OTA using the source degeneration pseudo-resistor technique and the bulk-driven technique. The transconductance is reduced by using series-parallel current mirrors for the OTA. This ultra-low transconductance OTA has an extremely low bias current of 0.1nA and a shunt factor of 100, reducing the OTA transconductance to 0.4 ps with 39.55 μVrms noise. It also increases the linear input range from ±50 mV to ±2.5 V, extending it by a factor of 50.

In 2023 5th International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICCS), 2023, pp. 99-103.
Haoning Sun
Haoning Sun
Master’s Student

My research interests include circuit design of analog to digital converter for biomedical applications and noise shaping SAR ADC.

Zhipeng Li
Zhipeng Li
PhD Student

My research interests include circuit design of image sensors and energy harvesting circuits.

Ruihuang Wu
Ruihuang Wu

My research interests include circuit design of delay loop lock.

Feng Yan
Feng Yan
PhD Student

My research interests include circuit design of analog front end for biomedical applications and sensor interfaces.

Yuxuan Huang
Yuxuan Huang

My research interests include circuit design of low-power reference.

Jingjing Liu
Jingjing Liu
Associate Professor

My research interests include low-power smart micro-sensor integrated circuit design, image sensors, biomedical sensors, and energy harvesting circuits.