A 26 GHz On-chip Antenna Based on a 65 nm CMOS Process for Microsensor Applications


As 5G communication network develops, microsensors become more important because they could be the solution of IoE. To realize microsensors, the miniaturization of antenna is a key issue. This paper presents a 26 GHz on-chip triangular monopole antenna with periodical artificial magnetic conductor structures in a standard 65 nm CMOS process. The proposed antenna has a return loss lower than −15 dB from 20 GHz to 27 GHz and a peak gain of −6.04 dBi, making it capable for 26 GHz frequency band of 5G communications.

In 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP), 2021, pp. 260-262.
Feng Yan
Feng Yan
PhD Student

My research interests include circuit design of analog front end for biomedical applications and sensor interfaces.

Kangkang Sun
Kangkang Sun
PhD Student

My research interests include circuit design of analog to digital converter for biomedical applications and SAR ADC.

Jingjing Liu
Jingjing Liu
Associate Professor

My research interests include low-power smart micro-sensor integrated circuit design, image sensors, biomedical sensors, and energy harvesting circuits.